After a shaky start and escalating costs of building supplies, ACE is completing the first of many homes at the Green Life Village for our single moms and families. We’ve been through the ringer with building hurdles, but at last this week, Allen, Bulla, and men from Augusta got things moving again.

About a year ago, the foundations were laid by previous teams for three homes with the blocks we had on site. This week, the lumber for the foundation went up. We will keep you posted as the first home should be completed by the third week in August.

For this particular home, the mother has had a very difficult time. She has four children: a 20-year-old with cerebral palsy, a nine-year-old, an 18-year-old son who is working and going to school, and a daughter who has had some devastating things happen in her life that has her currently in a home for girls. If we can complete this home for our mom and her family by September 1st, the government says they will allow her daughter, who is 15, to return home and go to school locally. If the house isn’t complete by that date, then her daughter will have to stay in the girls home until she turns 18.

Nothing like pressure to complete a job. Thanks to the generosity of our donors who have committed to finance the home and to all the volunteers who have helped along the way, we believe we will make the deadline. Please pray with us that we won’t be delayed, and we’d love it if you could come down to help! A lot of circumstances are riding on it.