Paying off the Farm

Paying off the Farm

Remember the ask ACE made to all of you the last quarter of 2021 to help us pay off the Green Life Llanrumney Farm? As you know, the farm is the place where all our micro-businesses will flourish to keep us hiring more and more Nationals. We want to keep you posted on how we are doing in raising the $700k needed by 2024.

Take a look at the graph to see how it’s going. Pretty impressive, we think. It’s also a faith-builder for ACE and, hopefully, for all of you who gave the funding to help us reach these goals. So far, with the help of many generous sponsors, we went over the $100k mark in 2021. Thank you!

If you are led to help us get to the $350k mark by summer and $500k by December, we would be grateful. After all, seeing is believing – and seeing is always a confirmation that it was completed in the supernatural world before it became visible in the natural.

Just watch what God will do this year… and it’s all good!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Marla’s Minute – Mother’s Day in Jamaica

Marla’s Minute – Mother’s Day in Jamaica

Mother’s Day always comes in May, right? Except this year… my Mother’s Day came early. My mother (Mommy) and Fred (my dad) and five friends landed in Jamaica a few weeks ago to lend us all at ACE a hand on the ground. I love that my mom is still very much alive and well; so many of my friends have had their moms transition out of this life. Knowing we are all not going to live forever, I cherish every moment I have with her.

When people give me the excuse they are too old to do this kind of work, I smile and think they have no idea how much fun they are missing with friends and family. For example, the ladies were inspired to complete the three tables left over for tiling by the team who came down in February (remember last month’s newsletter article?). Of course, they had to have a little competition to add to the fun! What a great job they did!

After the tables were completed, we ladies made plantain pies with Sue, followed by lots of hikes and laughter. Meanwhile, the men couldn’t resist working the Bobcat and the John Deere tractor. A new water pond was designed and implemented by my dad, Fred, who came with tools in hand. Fred, at one point, looked like he was in time-out sitting on a bench doing the math for a natural gutter drain. At the end of the week, gutters were made, ponds created, and field lines to drain off water were once again working.

So, while May is a wonderful time to remember your mother, anytime is good! If it’s not possible to spend time together, find a neighbor or a friend to enjoy the day! We are never too old to honor our parents or to create lasting memories when the opportunity arises!

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