New Year, New Faces

New Year, New Faces

ACE is always changing! That is to be expected when people are involved in the lives of others, and this year will be no different in Jamaica.

Remember our own Anthony, the beekeeper? Well, Anthony is all grown up, out of school for the moment (he graduated), and he lives with his sister in nearby Hampstead. Always ready to learn a new skill, Anthony works with one of our men who repairs our pumps at the farm and makes a nice living. But what about the bees and the honey he left behind?

Introducing Romario, our new beekeeper! Romario was just beginning to start his own beehives in the Bonney Gate community, close to where Pastor Kermit lives. As Anthony was transitioning to a full-time job outside of ACE, he and Romario started working together at the Campus. While Anthony has the long-term training, thanks to local and foreign volunteers, Romario has learned to breed queen bees at lightning speed. We’ve been told by Mr. Haywood the Bee Master that this is quite a skill to do as the production of honey triples.

All we know is more bees means more honey and more honey means more sweetness pouring out of ACE! The business of bees continues for another passionate young man, and we already see him buzzing with success!

Thank you, David and Valerie, for donating the extractor. We have it set up in the Campus living room looking like a new piece of furniture. You get the first bottle we will harvest this spring.

This is what Changing Lives is all about for ACE. We are so proud of these young men growing up and pursuing their passion, learning new skills, and always changing for the better. And thank YOU for supporting our honey business. It’s just sooo sweet!

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The Second Container is Coming!!

The Second Container is Coming!!

We are not sure if you remember the drama around shipping the first container to Jamaica a year and half ago, but the good news is there is NO DRAMA this time! We purchased the 40-foot container for ACE before the prices on containers more than doubled, AND we were able to gather all the previously limited supplies to fill it!

Thank you to all of you for helping us raise the funds to buy everything we needed for the ministry and farm for a while. We are really thankful for David and Pam who made our staging area, again, a huge platform for all kinds of inventory for several months.

The container pulled out of the yard on its way to Savannah, GA, to load on a ship. We are thrilled to know we will be receiving all these much-needed items. Stay tuned for the arrival. More equipment, more jobs, more reasons to give thanks!

Marla’s Minute: Finally, a Breath of Fresh Air!

Marla’s Minute: Finally, a Breath of Fresh Air!

It’s been a breath of fresh air this summer with so many volunteers! There is just something about seeing people you admire and love buying into the same vision that God has been giving us for 30 plus years.

We love the photos of friends smiling, especially when we are in them! Allen and I personally needed to experience this summer with everyone to confirm we are all still in this wonderful journey of ACE together! It’s been a good month, a good year so far; thank you for believing in ACE all this time.

We are praying those who haven’t come down will visit us soon. After next week, we don’t have anyone scheduled to visit us for a while and we could sure use your help. We miss you! We have lots of needs that keep us from moving forward until have helping hands on the ground. We hope to see you in St Mary soon. Look at your schedule and make time for us between now and December. ACE can’t work alone. It takes teamwork to make the dream work!

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Families & Friends

Families & Friends

July tends to be a very dry and hot month in Jamaica. This year is no different. However, as friends and families begin to come back down to serve with us, we only feel the warmth of returning (and new) friends everywhere!  We – your ACE family on the ground – are so happy to see you all.

A few of our recent volunteers were so kind to tell us some of their favorite parts about their trip, and we hope this will encourage more friends (old and new!) to plan a trip to St. Mary!

Graduation, VBS, and Sponsorship

Graduation, VBS, and Sponsorship

It’s mid-summer, and while that may not seem like Spring to you, we have felt the subtle changes that normally come with the new growth the season of Spring offers.  You’ve heard of Christmas in July? Well, we had Spring in Summer!

Spring is normally the time for graduation. Instead, Covid pushed things a little. This month, ACE was invited to attend one of the primary school’s 6th grade graduations. We had helped provide funds to build a stage inside their general assembly room where graduation was held.

Marla arrived in time to witness the Enfield Primary’s Class of 2020 walking in their caps and gowns into the hall to receive their diplomas. As each student, all 23 of them, walked into the hall, they had a spring in their step that let everyone know this wasn’t the end; it was just the beginning for them, moving into the next season of their education and life.

For the younger kids in our program, ACE held its first VBS since 2019 and a first at our new facility at Green Life Llanrumney Farms. Each sponsored child that attended came alive as our college volunteers reminded them they are loved and highly favored by God. The theme this year was “Destination Dig” and that’s exactly what happened – our students dug into the Bible, their faith and God’s love for them through activities, songs, and stories! The verse of the week was “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

The Big Finish event for VBS was taking our students on a hike to the historic Ruins on our property where they got to see “old digs” and how ACE was revitalizing the old into the new. Students loved it! We even had a farm moment where the children got to love on horses, donkeys and cows, and even a few puppies! Many of them had never seen such large animals before or experienced the signs of life on a farm!

This summer brought us all the renewed faith and hope of spring, having our volunteers back as our sponsored children experienced new adventures, and we look forward to the changes and new growth yet to come.

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